COMP140 - Research 1

Research Exemplar Projects

Marshmallow Laser Feast Attribution: Marshmallow Laser Feast - In the Eyes of the Animal

Welcome to Week 1 of COMP140. As a bookend to the weeks activities I would like you to research custom game controllers or alt controllers as they are also known, experimental games and playful interactive experiences that have been developed using physical computing and electronics.

I have provided a series of links to get you started with your research. Consider these stepping stones and from these examples you should be able to link out to even more interesting touch points to get you inspired for making your own creative electronics projects:


Review any 3 experiences you find from these links or from your own independent research and note down the following information in a Google Doc or similar:

  • Name
  • URL
  • Screenshot
  • brief description
  • What you find interesting about it?
  • Do this before the seminar session in Week 2

Keep this document, it will form the seed for your project proposal.


Here are some links to projects that might provide inspiration for your research.

Notable Alt-Controller Games

Deep VR
Space Box
Line Wobbler
Tie Your Laces
GDC Alt-Ctrl 2018 Roundup
Nintendo Labo
Xbox Adaptive Controller

Experimental Games

Now Play This Attribution: Now Play This Festival 2019

Copenhagen Games Collective
Pain Station
Now Play This
Kaho Abe

Previous Work from Falmouth Students

Games in a Controller

Other Inspiration

Marshmallow Laser Feast