ROB210 - Robotics & Cybernetics

Apply robotics and cybernetics principles to the design and development of simple robot prototypes.


Cybernetics comes from the Greek word kybernetes meaning the “the art of steering”. Cybernetics is a philosophy of technology that describes how automatic control systems operate in both machines and the natural world. Cybernetics is concerned with defining a goal and taking action to achieve that goal. Knowing whether you have reached your goal (or at least are getting closer to it) requires “feedback”. Feedback is explored extensively by the principles of cybernetics.

The following materials are supporting documentation and resources for the module.

Table of Contents

Lecture Materials

Week Topic
1 Introduction to Cybernetics
2 Self Regulating Systems
3 Robot in Space
4 Actuating
5 Control Architecture
7 Materials & Construction
8 Inverse Kinematics
8 Data Flow & System Modelling
10 Signal Processing
11 Ethics in Cybernetics
12 Review
13 No Lecture (Project Development)
14 No Lecture (Project Development)
15 Submission and Viva


Week Worksheet Task
1 Introduction to Cybernetics Build a simple Braitenburg Machine
2 Self Regulating Systems Build a more complex Braitenburg Machine with a Finite State Machine
    Introduction to PID Control
    Finite State Machines (Part 1)
3 The Robot in Space  
4 Actuating Motors & Torque Curves
    H bridges & Speed Controllers
    Sensor Values/Accuracy & Signal Strength Noise
5 Control Architecture  
    PID Loops for controlling an encoded motor
    Derivatives and Integrals - speed, acceleration and position
    PWM explained - Pulse width modulation motor control
    Finite State Machines (Part 2)
7 Materials & Construction  
8 Inverse Kinematics  
8 Data Flow & System Modelling  
10 Signal Processing  
11 Ethics in Cybernetics  


  1. Journal
  2. Proposal
  3. Final Submission